OT-140 5.5” Metallic Clutches

Tilton has upgraded their popular line of OT-140 5.5” metallic clutches with the addition of lower rate diaphragm spring options. While still providing high torque capacity, the new diaphragm springs significantly reduce release loads compared to other 5.5″ racing clutches on the market. The lower release loads put less stress on engine crankshaft thrust bearings, making these clutches ideal for smaller 4-cylinder and 6-cylinder engines. In addition, a lower release load on the clutch equates to less pedal effort for the driver, allowing for easy shifting. Spring options now include White (W), Orange (ORA) and Gray (G). 5.5″ OT-140 metallic racing clutches are available in 1, 2, 3 and 4-plate configurations.

Tilton’s 5.5″ OT-III metallic racing clutches offer the low moment-of-inertia, high torque capacity and reliability necessary for the most demanding racing applications. These features have made metallic clutches the most common clutch type used in road racing and circle track racing. The included high ratio pressure plate features short release travel for quick engagement and shifting as well as a flat clamp load curve for longer wear range. 5.5″ OT-140 metallic racing clutches are not recommended

Technical files

98 550M 5.5 Metallic Clutch web
5.5 Metallic Clutches 1 2 3 4 pl
OT III 5.5 Metallic Clutches
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